Last summer, my beloved kitty Nina ended her days in a family friend’s brownstone home at the ripe age of 16. Since I moved back to New York City, I had wanted to bring Nina home to me but knew she loved her garden too much to live in my NYC apartment. I mourned her loss and noticed how much I missed an animal companion in my life. I thought about it for a year - the decision to care for an animal through the rest of its days is not one to be made carelessly.
This past May, I was ready… I decided to adopt. Mamma Wonka (who was here on one of her special visits from Rome) and I spent hours scouring online adoption sites and if we had an ounce less restraint, I would have a hundred kittens roaming my home. But we decided to go to the ASPCA to see the kitties in person. Not a moment has passed since that fateful day that I haven’t counted my lucky stars for the moment that I saw the tiniest member of Team Gnosis – Charlotte aka ChocoKitty!
From the day I first called the ASPCA, their dedication to the animals was clear. Each step of the process is designed to assure the adopted animal a loving home for life. They ask you a million questions and even describe the character of your adopted pet (Executives are independent but show their affection with strength, for example – that’s Charlotte!)
Thanks to the ASPCA and their remarkable program of taking animals off the street, l have been given to opportunity to have Charlotte bring her light to my life. I hope you will choose to do the same (currently 4 beautiful cats have been adopted by members of Team Gnosis) - that you will adopt instead of paying absurd amounts of money for a “breed” animal. After all, they are like humans – no one religion, color, sex, or race is better than the next.
Studies have shown that pets bring as much to our lives as we do to theirs. In addition to the benefits of simple companionship and unconditional love, there are so many more selfish benefits derived from bringing a pet into your home. Here are some of the things we love most about having Charlotte in the office with us every day:
- Charlotte is an eco friendly exterminator… she constantly prowls the window screens for little flying critters drawn to the light and warmth that emanate from our 3rd floor office (don’t worry – the chocolates are made in a pet-free environment!)
- Taking a moment to gather Charlotte in our arms is a better remedy for bringing us back to a place of peace and harmony than any chemically derived anti-depressant or anti-anxiety pill. It’s virtually impossible to be in a bad mood or feel frustration over a seemingly endless hold request when you feel that soft head rub across your hand. It’s better than the present moment – it’s the kitty moment!
- Charlotte is a hard worker, and is determined to be an active member of Gnosis. You may have experienced a dropped call, or received an a seemingly incomplete email, or noticed a series of unexplained letters and symbols mysteriously appearing in the midst of a Facebook posting from frequent forays onto the keyboards of our computers and telephones keypads. Charlotte is saying, “Hi! I hope you like our chocolate!”
Even the Center for Disease Control has noted that pets can:
- Decrease blood pressure
- Decrease cholesterol levels
- Decrease triglyceride levels
- Decrease feelings of loneliness
And so, this October, in eternal gratitude to the ASPCA for all they have done not only for us, but for thousands of other people to help animals like Charlotte to find loving homes, to prevent unspeakable cruelty to other animals, and to help provide low cost options for pet owners to care for their animals, and especially for having given us the opportunity to bring Charlotte into our lives, Gnosis Chocolate will donate 10% of profits from October’s online sales of all our 2 oz bars to the ASPCA.
With our endless thanks for helping us to help the ASPCA in their ongoing efforts to save these animals,
Charlotte and Your Chocolate Girl
The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) was the first humane society established in North America on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans (aren’t we all!) and this fantastic animal welfare organization, funded by private donations, is today, one of the largest in the world. Based on a study by the National Council on Pet Population, close to 5,000,000 animals enter animal shelters each year. Five million! Of these, only 44% of dogs and 29% of cats are either reunited with their families or adopted. The fate of the remaining animals can be tragic. For more information on pet adoptions, options on keeping stray populations low or other programs offered by the A.S.P.C.A., or to make a donation, contact them directly at