

Entries by Vanessa Barg (145)


Dearest ChocoLovers,

This is dedicated to the late Mott Green, who openly shared his knowledge, experience, and friendship, and granted me unrestricted access to study and collaborate with his creation, the Grenada Chocolate Company.  

On my visits to Grenada, I spent several days working on the cacao farm with Mott and his crew - a humbling experience that deepened my love for cacao more than I imagined possible. After harvesting pods with a machete, we removed the beans by hand and carried them through lush, muddy, and muggy forest - two 40lb buckets at a time - over the river and across the road to the Belmont Estate fermentary… IT’S HARD WORK!!!

It is easy to understand why a farmer may easily be motivated to replace heirloom trees for higher-yield, hardier hybrids like CCN-51 unless paid fairly for patient cultivation of quality over quantity. Having lived with little comfort and often much struggle, farmers’ children have no desire to follow in their footsteps. 

The next generation of farmers often forgo invaluable inheritance of land and tradition in search for ‘modern’ work. The land is left to grow wild - if it’s lucky. But far too often, rainforest is sold to non-Earth-Day-celebrating individuals, and ensuing deforestation for logging and cattle ranching will eventually deplete the land of her abundance and fertility. Farming traditions, heirloom cacao varietals, exquisite species of flora and fauna, and the rainforest - “lungs of the earth” - are being snuffed out. 

Yet all is not lost… Fairly traded cacao increases the value of land, thus protecting it from this sad fate. Hooray!  

Every living being is innately reverent of Mother Nature. We can grow out of this disrespectful teenage phase and, with age, gain perspective and see the foolishness of those ignorant, short-sighted ways. With newfound humility, the learning process becomes enjoyable! Studying history and looking to the stars for guidance, we can reclaim command of our ship and steer the future back to land by carefully charting our course and mastering the power we wield as consumers. Our voices and dollars can be used to empower and activate our brothers and sisters to enjoy in the creation of tomorrow with us!


Whether intentionally or not, each dollar spent is a vote for the mission of that enterprise and empowers their practices. Truly wise spending involves thinking beyond ticket price. Choosing to pay a bit more upfront for the organic option in eco-friendly packaging saves immeasurable hidden costs we’ll inevitably pay for our unsustainable ways with the heaviest sales tax and interest imaginable.  

When you purchase chocolate that affords truly fair exchange of value for all stake holders, you directly increase the value of the land that gave birth to the cacao. Demand at the store does trickle to the roots - your support of a chocolate company who invests in symbiotic relationships with their supply entire supply chain is a letter of encouragement to their sources

Buying products made with integrity and packaged sustainably - and not purchasing beneath your highest standard - sends a clear message that you demand change. It’s time to give voice to our intuitive wisdom and do what we gno is right!


It first serves as an indulgent  our indulgent sweet tooth and guilt. 

Next it’s a heart-healthy superfood that fights bad gut bacteria.

Now we find it can help to save the planet’s rain forests…

Just another reason to celebrate Earth Day every day - 

brought to you by your friends at Gnosis Chocolate.

 “To see the world in a grain of sand / And a heaven in a wildflower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand / And eternity in an hour”

Auguries of Innocence by William Blake, 1803


Spring is a season of renewal, rejuvenation and replenishment. The remedy to winter blues lies in the fruits and herbs of spring… and our functional Vitality Truffle Collection is here to help! 


Super Berry Truffle    

The moment superberries meet mylk chocolate is cause for celebration! 

{superberry jam} goldenberries*,  goji berries*, mulberries,* agave*, vanilla* {mylk creme} raw cacao beans*, cashew butter*, coconut sugar*, coconut oil*,  clover*, cat’s claw*, lion’s mane*, milk thistle*, goldenseal*

Tangerine Dream Truffle  

Enjoy the creamy citrus sweetness of a Creamsicle with zero guilt!  

{white creme} cashew butter*, coconut sugar*, raw cacao butter*, coconut oil*, lucuma*, maca*, ginseng*, burdock*, vanilla*, blood orange essential oil


Lemongrass Ginger Truffle

Fresh lemongrass, feisty ginger, and herbs will help turn over a fresh leaf!

{white creme} cashew butter*, coconut sugar*, raw cacao butter*, coconut oil*, lucuma*, burdock*, astragalus*, ginger & lemongrass essence

Honeyblossom Pear Truffle

Curiosity is awoken by glistening dew drops of exquisitely balanced flavor. 

{mylk creme: raw cacao beans*, cashew butter*, coconut sugar*, coconut oil*, lucuma*, cat’s claw*, neroli essential oil*, pear & honeysuckle essenses

Vitality 4pc
Vitality 12pc
4 Vitality Truffles  
12 Vitality Truffles 

Created 100% by hand in our NYC kitchen. Available for a very limited time. Please see shipping notes.


Millennia of blossoming and expiring exotic flora and fauna nourishes the fertile, potent

soil which gives birth to exquisite cacao on the islands of Grenada, Bali, and Madagascar. 

As with grapes for wine, the flavor profile of chocolate is largely influenced by the climate, culture, 

and  history of that cacao’s origin. In the Gnosis OrigiNib Collection, we strive to honor that elixir of 

 time and nature, and to express the essence of each island in a language where cacao is the 

sentence and spices are punctuation marks that accentuate and give voice to the bean.  


Grenada OrigiNib Bar  ~ Nutmeg 1oz/28g $6  
15% will support projects like REACH Grenada that strive to empower a healthy 
economy, child welfare, and the return to Grenadian cacao farming tradition.   
     Raw Grenadian cacao*, coconut sugar*, nutmeg*

Madagascar OrigiNib Bar 

 ~ Pepper 1oz/28g $6
Together with Francois Pralus, a world renowned French chocolate
making master, we made the world’s only raw Madagascar chocolate!


    Raw Madagascan cacao*, coconut sugar*, wild black pepper, vanilla* 


Bali OrigiNib Bar ~ Turmeric & Sea Salt 1oz/28g $6

Big Tree Farms works directly with over 13,000 Indonesian farmers cultivating
ethical trade with emphasis on social and environmental responsibility. 

  Raw Balinese cacao*, coconut sugar*, turmeric*, Balinese sea salt, vanilla*     


*denotes organic

Heat is to chocolate what kryptonite is to Superman. But don’t worry - we have 6 years under our belts! We’ll add free reusable ice packs & insulation (no styrofoam). Your role is essential - please track your package to ensure it’s brought inside immediately upon delivery - not left on a sunny porch or in a hot mailbox. You might take extra precaution and leave a note for the mailman, or ship to a business address.
Warm-weather shipping via Priority Mail (1-4day prep +  1-3day transit) requires a bit of planning to avoid weekends & heat waves. Please allow a few extra days as we work hard to deliver both swiftly and safely!
Express Mail orders (1-2day prep + 1-2day transit) are 100% guaranteed. We recommend (but certainly do not require) Express, especially for truffles, time-sensitive packages, gift-giving, and remote rural addresses.
We thank you in advance for taking such great care of our creations and for communicating delivery address or shipping method change requests ASAP!  With thanks for your patience over the holiday season, we look forward to providing stellar service and love to receive your feedback, suggestions, and love letters!
Harvesting Cacao in Grenada
A moment in heaven - chocolate 
girl harvests cacao in Grenada
OSC2 - Collaborating to Transform the Natural Products Industry
OSC2 - Collaborating to Transform 
the Natural Products Industry
Nahko Bear - Medicine for the People
Nahko Bear - Medicine 
for the People

Our supporters are so absolutely brilliant, wise, and patient - we feel camaraderie and partnership 
with you and want to share with the world what is possible between a ‘company’ and a ‘consumer.’
Snap a creative / fun photo of our products (preferably with you!), write a poem about what Gnosis 
means to you, paint a still life of your favorite truffle, film a video blog on how Gnosis empowers you… 
No matter the medium, send us an expression of your views about our little company!* (yes we’re fishing)
Let us know if there is a quote or message you’d like to share with the world - it would be our
pleasure and an honor to empower your like-minded mission as you empower ours! 

Our gratitude will be expressed in chocolate and other little delightful expressions of adoration! 
We will treasure your gift for the rest of our lives. 
Please express if you wish to remain anonymous or if you wish to be known by the world! For each tag on our
facebook, pinterest, twitter, instagram, etc. we’ll send an extra little gift  - don’t forget to include your address!
Submit via {email}    {fax} 866-527-2081  {mail} gnosis po box 6107 astoria, ny 11106
(877) 4-GNOSIS / (646) 688-5549   


Capture that Springtime Optimism!

Capture that Springtime Optimism!



Spring is the season of new growth, and the signs of change are all around us. Flowers smatter parks and lawns, the days are longer, brighter and warmer, and our emotions are lifted by the extra light and raised temperature.

Springtime is seen as a time of growth, renewal, of new life being born, and of the cycle of life once again starting. It is also seen more generally as the start of better times. At this time of year we begin to feel less sluggish, and become more open to inviting changes – both big and small – into our lives.

The symbolism of spring is one most people can appreciate. In all cultural traditions, the world over, it is a time of re-birth and new beginnings. Whether it is the antics of the numerous fertility gods of rural communities, the Green Man festivities of pagan cultures or the Christian resurrection of Easter, springtime itself has never been a season to go unmarked.

The word Easter is supposed to derive from Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, worshipped by some neopagans, who associate her with various aspects related to the renewal of life: spring, fertility and the hare (allegedly for its rapid and prolific reproduction). Modern worshippers and writers describe Eostre as a “goddess of Dawn” based on the etymological relationship between her name and the Anglo-Saxon word for ‘dawn’.

The egg motif of Easter can be seen as an underlying pagan and pan-religious symbol of birth and the continuity of life, and it is also part of the Passover ritual.

As God pronounced to the people of Israel enslaved in Egypt that he would free them (the Exodus), he said he would “Smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt.” However, he instructed the Israelites to put a sign of lamb’s blood on their door posts: “and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.”

Such is a political story of liberation and refusal to be persecuted. It uses the symbol of a scorched hard-boiled egg for birth, renewal, beginnings, and fresh leaves – parsley or lettuce, again, for renewal and to celebrate spring and the refreshing of the cycle of life.

The tradition of Pancake Day stems from the need to clear out the larder of eggs, butter and milk before lent – a time in which to examine our lives and experience a new springtime of hope. These festivals are a call to positive-thinking. How can anyone not be inspired by the spirit of optimism that springtime seems to bring?
The new and rapidly-growing field of positive psychology has shown how important emotions such as hope, pleasure, humor, excitement, joy, pride and involvement are to human happiness.

One of the key elements of positive psychology is optimism, which its founder Dr Martin Seligman and others have shown has a major effect on human behavior. Not only do optimists get sick less often and recover from illness more quickly than others, but they also live longer.

Optimism can be built, these psychologists believe, leading to improved resistance to depression when bad events occur and better physical health. There are two important dimensions to optimism, says Dr Seligman, and they are linked to permanence and pervasiveness.

Pessimistic people believe that the reasons for bad things happening are permanent, whereas optimistic people consider them temporary. For example, a pessimist might say to their partner “You always nag”, when an optimistic person would say “You nag when I don’t do the dishes”.

Using qualifiers for bad events such as “sometimes” and “lately”, rather than “always” or “never” builds optimism. But the opposite applies to good events – an optimist will explain these by saying “I’m talented” or “I’m always lucky”.

Pervasiveness is to do with keeping problems in perspective. For pessimists, when one thread of their life breaks, the whole fabric unravels. Again, it comes back to having a specific explanation for bad events rather than catastrophizing. For example, saying “I’ll never learn Spanish in this class” rather than “I’ll never learn another language”.

The positive psychology approach also recommends building optimism by habitually recognizing and challenging pessimistic thoughts – something made much easier by the new season in which we can throw open the windows, and let in the fresh air and soft sunlight.

Spring has always been considered as a time for change and personal evolution, and another common way to embrace the sense of optimism and enthusiasm is to have a good old clear-out. Spring cleaning has a very valuable function, psychologists believe. We declutter our houses of anything that we needed around us to feel more comfortable during the long winter months, and we bring in new items, symbolizing new beginnings.

It’s the perfect time of year to seek out new objects that wipe out the remnants of winter and boost your mood for the new season. So grab the duster and the vacuum cleaner out of the back of the cupboard, and make a list too, so you are more efficient and afterwards, you can look back and say “I really got a lot done today”.

Ultimately spring is all about opportunity – a time for cultivating the qualities of courage and optimism, of strengthening the belief in ourselves and our powers to achieve and overcome obstacles – the greatest of which is perhaps our own fear, which prevents us from taking risks and stepping into the unknown.

As the days grow longer and warmer, we can choose to capture that sense of freshness and renewal in order it can be remembered, savoured and built on throughout the year.

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