Come and Get Your Vegan Eggs Here!!

SpringChoc Has Appeared
The newest, most exciting Spring-being has hatched, Gnosis SpringChoc is an explosion of delicious new flavors. It is made with Jasmine, Lemon Grass, and Lavender essential oils! So refreshing, and so reflective of Spring’s fresh bounty.
For more about the ingredients, we’ll start with the benefits of Lemon Grass. Lemon Grass is a tropical grass native to India and Nepal known for its aromatic citrus flavor with a hint of ginger. According to ancient Malaysian legend, Lemon Grass was considered a sacred herb for Warriors. Lemon Grass smells like lemon, but is milder and sweeter, and is not sour. It has been known to help detoxify the organs of cleansing and elimination, reduce blood pressure, remove cholesterol and cellulite, relieve arthritic pains and menstrual troubles and ward off depression.
Next up is Jasmine. Jasmine's name has been derived from 'yasmin', a Persian word which is used to refer to an aphrodisiac. However, the Indians and Chinese have more often used the Jasmine essential oil for medicinal purposes. Jasmine eliminates free radicals, and combats depression, high cholesterol, diabetes, and stroke.
And lastly, we have Lavender in this special SpringChoc egg. Lavender has the Latin "Lavare," meaning “to wash” due to its fresh, clean aroma. Lavender - native of the Mediteranean, has documented use over 2000 years. The Egytians used it for mummification. The Roman soldiers used it to disinfect injured soldiers. Traditionally used as an antiseptic agent, it is now predominantly used as a relaxant and sedative in aromatherapy. It is effective in aiding insomnia, headaches, hypertension, and hyperactivity. Topically, it is used to heal acne, burns and cuts.
The SpingChoc egg is beautifully round and smooth. It comes in a 2 ¼ inch cube with all natural “grass.”
Is this the most delectable chocolate you've ever seen, or what?
Get yours now!!!!!