Lucky Giveaway!
Treasure Troves of our March limited edition seasonal items to be given away in beautiful wooden treasure chests!!! Running until next weekend!
If you’ve placed an order anytime after Thursday, March 9th at 8pm, I’m tallying points for you!
For every product you order and each share of our products (either our images or yours!) posted and tagged on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll get one point each toward winning one of several prizes like the one pictured below! Email me a screenshot of your posts and I’ll tally them up with the products you’ve ordered.
There will be a random selection element so you still have a chance to win even if you only order a couple products and post a few times - point groups (ie: 1-9 points, 10-19 points, etc) will be compiled and I’ll select winners randomly from those groups. I want to give a chance to those of you who may not much extra to spend or who may never have tried Gnosis products yet!! ♡
1. Share images of Gnosis Chocolate to your facebook and instagram & tag @gnosischocolate
2. Send screenshot to
3. Order from
4. Be prepared for the announcement that you’ve won