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Madagascar OrigiNib Bar


Ingredients : Cacao Beans (Madagascar)*, Cacao Nibs (Madagascar)*, Coconut Sugar*, Black Peppercorns (Madagascar)*, Vanilla Bean (Madagascar)*, Love. *organic

Net Wt. 1oz $6


Chocolate Girl processed these nibs from the bean to ensure their raw integrity with François Pralus - the world renowned chocolatier who owns a young farm on Madagascar. This beautiful African Island is one of the poorest nations in the world. A powerful way to support a nation is to support their agriculture. Their cacao is incredibly fruity and exotically delicious! 

In October 2009, as the first step in Gnosis’ Raw Integrity Project, we commissioned a chocolate factory near Lyon, France to produce cacao paste that I could personally certify was raw, since I would participate with my hands and eyes in every step. This factory is owned and operated by a third-generation family business that produces some of the world’s highest quality chocolate - Francois Pralus. My intense personal involvement made it possible to to determine the variety, quality, and origin of the beans used, and to watch the temperature guages.

This is the world’s ONLY raw chocolate made from Madagascar beans, and is personally my favorite for its deeply complex flavor profile, unique to the chocolate world!

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