Under the starry skies over Lake George's crystal-clear waters, Vanessa invites you to The First Annual Gnosis Raw Retreat - celebration of community, health, and oneness with Nature. Those skies and waters have nourished Vanessa and her dad for 15 years of camping; their energy can nurture and support your:
...renewed your commitment to your body, mind, and spirit.
...undertaking the detox and cleanse you've been promising yourself
...kicking your diet up to a highter % raw - at last!
...building a strong bond with a group of healthy like minded individuals
...soak up the rays of sun, the cycles of earth, and the vibes of water
...spend a week outdoors exercising your body - swim, canoe, hike, and relax!
We will provide food, transportation from bus / air / train to the lake, water transportation to the island (YES WE HAVE OUR OWN ISLAND!), and guidance through the 8 island days that await you full of activities, community, and healthy food!
Who's Coming?
Anthony Anderson aka Raw Model
David Wolfe - TBC
Located on the "Queen" of American Lakes, Lake George, the Lake George Islands offers a unique experience to campers. Lake George Islands campsites are accessible by boat only and are spread out over much of the lake. They are divided into three groups, Glen, Long and Narrow. Our island is called Duran and is located in the Narrow Island group!
Directions: Lake George is accessible from Route I-87 (Adirondack Northway) using exits 20-25, and 28, then Routes 4, 9, 9N, 8, 22, 74 and 149. Once leaving the Adirondack Northway, caution should be observed as some roads contain steep grades. We will soon be posting links to busses, trains, and air transportation where we will meet you and take you to the Lake!
Amenities: Most sites are well forested and private. All sites have a dock for at least one boat, a fireplace, picnic table, and toilet facility.
Boating: Lake George is 32 miles long, 3 miles wide at its widest point, with a maximum depth of 195 feet. It offers some of the best recreational boating opportunities in the Northeast. All types of watercraft are allowed on the lake. Because of the long, narrow shape of the lake it is susceptible to hard winds and fast storms. Be mindful of weather warnings and get off the water if the situation looks threatening. Always use the appropriate vessel. Canoes are fine along the shore, but a sturdy boat is recommended out in the middle. Boaters should get the Lake George Power Squadron hydrographic chart at a local marina before sailing. Water depths vary greatly from sandy shoals, to sunken islands, to sudden drop offs. The chart not only show the location of such hazards, but contains information about navigational aids and rules of the lake.
Hiking: There are hiking trails that lead to many of the mountains overlooking the lake, and to remote mountain ponds. Over 50 miles of trails are marked with red, blue, or yellow 3 inch diameter markers.
Historic Interest: Lake George was created at the end of the last ice age when glacial deposits dammed up two ancient rivers that flowed through the valley. It is over thirty miles long, and is dotted with islands. Lake George has always been strategically important. Starting with the wars between the Iroquois and Algonquin Indians, and continuing with the French and Indian War, and the American Revolution. In 1885, the New York State Forest Commission, created by chapter 283 of the laws of that year, was given charge of the Forest Preserve. The Commission, is known today as the Department of Environmental Conservation. During the late 1930's and through the 1940's the Commission expanded development of the island campgrounds. Much of this work was completed by the Civilian Conservation Corp., including construction of caretaker's cabins and administrative offices for some of the Island Groups
Signup by July 7th $325 Signup July 7th - August 1st $375