

Dearest ChocoLover,

I believe that every product on the market can and will be healthful. But it takes demand from the consumers. We grow because of your demand - not thanks to investors, cold calls, free-fills, or a sales force.

If you believe our products would do well in a store near you and would like to be an active consumer - we’d like to offer you free chocolate in gratitude for helping us grow by word of mouth!

It’s easy! Submit the form below, then take the info packet (download & print now or save your ink and wait for it to arrive in the mail) to the buyer / manager of the Raw Food or Chocolate set specifically - they’re the decision makers!

Once you’ve spoken with the manager/buyer, let us know who you spoke with so we can add you to the Suggest a Store database. When your store places their first order, we all win! Just choose which items from our website you’d like to receive - we’ll send about 5% of the store’s invoice value in FREE CHOCOLATE!

 Here’s to a healthy, peaceful society… and lots of chocolate for everyone!!!

Vanessa aka Chocolate Girl



We focus 100% of our efforts on earning your support and store shelf-space with uncomprising standards of integrity, service, and transparency, and on making a product line that evolves to meet the changing needs of our customers, while holding fast to our committments.


  • Your Name *
  • Email Address *
  • Mailing Address (we'll send you literature for the store, and free chocolate when they order!) *
    Street Address
    Address Line 2
    State / Province / Region
    Zip / Postal Code
  • The Store's Name *
  • Message: *