Gnosis Sponsors 21st World Cocoa Foundation Roundtable Session

I'm leaving tomorrow morning at 6am for Washington, DC to support the 21st World Cocoa Foundation Roundtable Session. I'm excited to hear how the largest players in my field plan to develop sustainable cacao chains, and how to measure those developments. I will have an opportunity to both learn from their successes and failures, and also represent a new wave within the chocolate industry.
As individuals, each purchase we make is a VOTE for the companies and systems which make that product or service available. As the CEO of a chocolate company, my business purchases directly affect the lives of thousands of farmers and consumers around the world. To be 100% educated, aware and intentional about my purchases, I see it of increasing importance that I (a 27 year old chocolate girl ;) attend and support industry events and roundtables such as this.
Although we don't purchase any cacao from West Africa, I do see ours as a global society. My best friend lives in Congo and leads the Congalese wildlife preservation. I believe it is my responsibility to not only support our sustainable, direct supply chains (Big Tree Farms and The Grenada Chocolate Company), but to Empower a Greater GoodTM by supporting all those who are working to transform a system in need of change.
I will be in the company of several game-changers, including:
- World Food Prize winners
- Prime Minister of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
- Minister of Employment and Social Welfare, Government of Ghana
- Minister of Commerce, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
- Minister of Family, Women and Children, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
- Minister of State, Minister of Industry, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
- Minister of Employment, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
- Indonesia's West Sulawesi Province Governor
- Ghana Cocoa Board
- Association of Public and Land Grant Universities
- Bharat Puri, Kraft Foods
- Anne Alonzo, World Cocoa Foundation Chairwoman
- Bill Guyton, World Cocoa Foundation President
- Ambassadors and other diplomatic corps officials from cocoa-producing countries
- U.S. Government Officials
From the list above, you'll see that the Province Governor of West Sulawesi (Indonesia) will be present. Big Tree Farms worked as a partner with the World Cocoa Foundation on a program called AMARTA. I'm interested to hear all sides of the story!
If you believe Gnosis Chocolate is a strong voice in the chocolate industry that stands for integrity, and can accomplish our mission to Empower a Greater Good in a big way, please show your pledge. CLICK THIS LINK, login via Facebook, search for "Gnosis", and VOTE!
This will qualify us for a $250k grant that will be used for the highest purpose a chocolate company possibly could. You Gno this - just browse my site to see our accomplishments and intention. Thank you in advance for your vote - we can change this industry... but we need YOUR help! Please share this with all of your friends :)
Reader Comments (1)
I admire all the work that you do, and I enjoy your chocolate, too!