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A glowing testimonial from a very special ChocoLover!

We're so delighted to bring you today's post.  Vanessa met Kat recently at Whole Foods demo and was so deeply touched by Kat's spirit and passion - and we are so honored that Kat put her beautiful words and story into a testimonial for Gnosis!  Kat, we are so thankful for your generous support.     

If you've got a story to share about what Gnosis Chocolate means to you, we'd be so grateful to read your kind words in our guestbook or via email anytime to    

What "Gnosis Chocolate" Means to Me...

I was privileged to attend what I believe is one of the best colleges in our country for emerging scholars and artists, "Sarah Lawrence College."  Toward the end of my college career, I enjoyed immersing myself in the works of incredible authors such as Karen King and Elaine Pagels.  Along with studying Ancient Greek, I loved reading and writing about early Christian thought and esoteric texts, such as The Gospel of Mary and The Gospel of Thomas, which are considered to be expressions of "Gnostic Christianity."  In other words, these texts were not accepted by mainstream, Orthodox Christianity.  I was more than intrigued.  Having been raised by a yogini Mother who practices Kriya Yoga and a traditional, Greek Orthodox father, I have a lot of spiritual energy running through my veins; fortunately, my parents encouraged me to go far with my contemplative pursuits.  So as I became a young woman, 
I thirsted for a deeper understanding of both "Western" and "Eastern" mysticism, and how one could incorporate gnosis, in a practical sense, into one's daily life.  The study of gnosis, or how one can receive intuitive insights that do not necessarily need to be verified by empirical evidence, became my primary interest, my passion, or as yogis say, my sankalpah (driving intention). 

Flash forward, past college...I had the unique pleasure of working with the "Father of Mind-Body Medicine" in America, Deepak Chopra, at the Chopra Center.  There, I had the opportunity to help him to promote his newly released book (at the time), Peace Is the Way, as well as learn and teach others about the importance of Ayurvedic principles.  This was an immensely educational experience for me, as I'd previously been, essentially, an academic hermit.  Suddenly, I was being baptized into the world-at-large.  Through my work at the Chopra Center, I was able to assimilate more knowledge, put it into practice, and even share with strangers how cultivating wellness, on all levels, positively impacts our lives and our planet's health.  It was a wonderful time in my life.  At the same time, "coincidentally," I discovered Gnosis Chocolate.  Wow!  As if my life could not get any did.  

On a more superficial level, I was delighted by Gnosis Chocolate's smooth, yet solid texture, and its seductive flavors. And, certainly, that counts for a lot!  Yet on a deeper level, I was delighted that several of the healing herbs that we were selling at the Chopra Center in "pill" form, were actually included as ingredients in the Gnosis Chocolate that I devoured on lunch breaks!  : - )  It was (and still is), immensely fulfilling to know that by eating Gnosis Chocolate, I am simultaneously strengthening my physical systems, and satisfying my sweet tooth.  It is a win-win situation.  Eventually, I branched out from the Chopra Center, to create and found my own spiritual wellness business,  I was determined to offer to others, in an even more personal fashion, many techniques that I learned at the Chopra Center, as well as give my clients a one-on-one experience of mysticism-in-action. 

Now, years later, I am still a huge fan of Gnosis Chocolate.  As a healer, in order to maintain a high level of integrity, and offer that integrity to others, I make sure that I treat my own body, mind and spirit with loving care.  Thus, I am quite consciously selective about what I choose to eat and drink.  I find that Gnosis Chocolate always passes my integrity-test, so to speak, since it is a treat that nurtures me on multiple levels.  I feel really confident recommending Gnosis Chocolate to not only my friends, but to my clients.  As a professional intuitive with a discerning, international clientele, I cannot afford
to digest anything that is not for my highest good.  So take it from me when I assert that incorporating Gnosis Chocolate into your daily wellness ritual can not only make you happier, but healthier, too.  Furthermore, it may even make you more intuitive...though the FDA has not yet approved that statement yet!  : - )  But I encourage you to try it for yourself; soon, you'll know that you do not need a psychic to tell you that Gnosis Chocolate is divine!  ~ * ~ Enjoy  ~ * ~ 

--Kat Katsanis-Semel, Transformational Specialist & Founder of

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