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Pumpkin Seeds

According to the USDA,[14] one gram of roasted pepita contain 5.69 mg L-tryptophan and one gram of pepita protein contains 17.2 mg[15] of L-tryptophan. One cup of milk contains 183 mg. This high tryptophan content makes pepita of interest to researchers studying the treatment of anxiety disorders.[16] Some eat the seeds as preventative measure against onset of anxiety attacks, clinical depression and other mood disorders. 

Chocolate Shell: Cacao Beans*, Coconut Sugar*, Pumpkin Seeds* Creme Filling: Pumpkin Seeds*, Coconut Sugar*, Maca*, Cardamom*, Ginger*, Siberian Ginseng*, Cinnamon*, Nutmeg*, Cordyceps*, Vanilla*, Love. *organic

Pumpkin Spice 4 piece truffle box $1299  

Pumpkin Spice 12 piece truffle box $3799

Pumpkin Spice 24 piece truffle box $6999

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