

Hot Chocolate Elixir - A beautiful synergy of Cacao, Palm Nectar, Aphrodisiac Herbs, and a pinch of Cayenne NEW!!!


Bulk Chocolate - Your favorite Gnosis Chocolate flavors but in bulk for your smoothies, ice cream toppings, dinner parties, and more! NEW!!!





 Discover Chocolate - The Ultimate Guide to Buying, Tasting, and Enjoying Fine Chocolate $25






Naked Chocolate - David Wolfe & Shazzie's "Why Cacao is the Best Food Ever" book with history & recipes $25




Triple Maca Bar - Made for Natural Zing with 3 forms of powerful Maca!



Merlin's Bar
- Made for Natural Zing with Merlin's Roots Elixir... off the charts!

Sunset Bar - Made for Natural Zing with Hot Zing Mineral Complex & Frankinsence for a deep experience...

100 bags, sent in five cases.
with weights of 16- & 17 lbs, the ship costs vary from:
Express $90 to $94
Priority $69 to $72