Sure, eco-friendly options are often more expensive. But “saving” by way of the unsustainable option is actually just borrowing from future generations. Just like any expense put off til later, we incur significant interest charges. To operate debt-free is to save (for) tomorrow! By voting with our dollars, we can increase the availability and affordability of better options and shift the marketplace!
We believe doing what’s right should be calculated into the bottom line from Day 1. Gnosis is 6 years of proof that a company can operate with integrity and remain debt-free by reallocating the usual exorbitant marketing budget back to sourcing and internal operations.
Investing in product quality and excellence in service should be the pure means by which customer loyalty and community support are earned!
Reader Comments (1)
Thank you, Vanessa, for creating healthier chocolate bars. I am dependent on them--chocolate being the richest natural source of boron--during season changes when my arthritis is likely to kick in. Boron seems to zap to joints; it also seems to be needed more by women than men.... By the way, Swiss tennis coach Melanie Molitor responded recently to a reporter's question with "I don't know why we have so many good (tennis) players. Maybe it's in the chocolate or something?" (New York Times, Sports section, p. 5, Aug. 31, 2014). www,