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Be an Insider: Try it First!

With our new Beta Choc program, everyone has the opportunity to test out new flavors before they are formally introduced to the public. YOU get to tell us what you think needs tweaking. Of course, if you can’t find any way that the flavor could be improved, we would like to hear that too! All you need to do is order the bar (at the low price of $5.95 for 2 oz) and then send us feedback ( on the following elements:

1. Smell (1-10 possible points)

2. Look / Shine (1-10 possible points)

3. Taste (1-10 possible points)

4. Consistency / Mouth-Feel (1-10 possible points)

5. Finish (1-10 possible points)

It's best to be a BetaChoc tester if you have already purchased chocolate from our website and know how our Simplicity tastes, or if you have a bar of our chocolate purchased online to compare to. When purchased online, the chocolate is extremely fresh and so it will be a fair test!

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