The Post You've Been Waiting For
Monday, October 5, 2009 at 4:37PM
Hooray! You have one more reason to order and eat more delicious healthy chocolate: Gnosis’s bulk chocolate!!!! Not only does this mean more chocolate at a lower price for your personal snacking pleasure, but now you can spread the joy. Use your pounds of chocolate at dinner parties, special events, and inside your own trail mix concoctions and recipes! Here are a few ideas:
1. Raw fudge with walnuts
2. Trail mix with peanuts, dried cherries, and Gnosis bits!
3. Crumble some atop a scoop of sorbet for the perfect dessert
4. Mix into a spicy pepper sauce for a savory protein garnish
And, of course, enjoying the chocolate in its solitary glory, right out of the bag ;)
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